TOOTHPASTE DXN Ganozhi™ Toothpaste contains no saccharin and colouring but with
high quality of Ganoderma extract, food gel, menthol and food flavouring. It
can effectively cleanse your teeth for fresh breath and taste in your mouth. It
also makes your teeth healthier and brighter
Ganozhi toothpaste will relax your mouth, disinfect it with super healthy
natural ingredients for complete cleanse and freshening, and is especially
effective in healing against candida albicans. It comes in gel form concentrate
and unlike other toothpaste a little amount goes a long way. It's a natural
organic toothpaste with deep cleansing abilities. DXN Ganozhi toothpaste
contains very powerful DXN Ganoderma lucidum extract that provides antioxidant
protection and boosts a persons immune system. Ganoderma has over 200
alimentary substances and provides a natural way to detox daily. It also
contains the very powerful nutrient Organic Germanium. DXN Ganoderma is 100%
organically produced and certified with quality assurance standards by the
International Organization for Standardization ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004.
• Use as normal toothpaste (squeeze only half
on the toothbrush and brush as per normal)•
Swollen / bleeding gums (apply some on the swollen /
bleeding gum)•
Eliminates bad breath after meal / smokes (suck a bit of
the toothpaste as mints or sweets)
Quench thirst (suck and swallow)•
Cure mouth ulcer (apply a little bit on the affected area)•
Chapped lips (apply the Ganozhi on the lips)•
Pain killer for toothache (clean the affected tooth and
put Ganozhi into it)•
Suffers burn / scald from hot oil or hot water (apply
small amount of Ganozhi on the affected area)•
Burnt skin (apply small amount on the affected area)•
Blisters (apply small amount on the affected area)•
Small cuts (apply small amount on the affected area)•
Sun Burn (apply small amount on the affected area)•
Reduces scars (apply small amount on the affected area)•
Reduces black spot on skin (apply small amount on the
affected area)•
Smelly feet (mix with warm water and soak)•
Body Odour (apply small amount on the affected area)•
Nail injuries (apply small amount on the affected area
before it swells or bleeds)•
Crackled heels (rub small amount on the affected area)•
Gaut (rub small amount on the affected area. mixed with
warm water and soak the feet to remove toxic)•
Insects bite (apply small amount on the affected area)•
Fish or aquatic animals sting (apply small amount on the
affected area)•
Headache (apply small amount on the pulse)•
Migraine (rinse a mixture of water and Ganozhi on the
head. Leave it on for 10 minute then wash)•
Stress / Hypertension (rinse a mixture of water and
Ganozhi all over the body. Leave it on for 10 minute then wash)•
Abscess (apply around it. Not on it)•
Coughing (consume and apply on the neck / rinse your mouth
with the mixture of ganozhi and warm water)•
Pityriasis versicolor / ringworm (clean and apply on the
affected areas)•
Shingles (apply on the affected area)•
Scabies (apply on the affected area)•
Warts (peel it and apply on the affected area)•
Joint pain / arthritis (apply on the affected area)•
Sprains (apply on the affected area)•
Cramp (apply on the affected area)•
Back Pain (apply on the affected area and massage)•
Facial Cleanser (mix with water and cleanse)•
Acne / Pimples (use Ganozhi as Facial Wash)•
Flu (apply around the nose / mix with hot water then
inhale the steam)•
Nose bleeds (rinse the mixture of Ganozhi and water on the
head and apply it around the neck)•
Sinuses (mix Ganozhi with hot water and inhale the steam.
Do this before sleep)•
Allergy / sneezing nonstop (mix Ganozhi with hot water and
inhale the steam. Do this before sleep)•
Rash (apply on the affected area)•
Reduces fever (mix Ganozhi with water and apply to the
whole body. Leave it to dry)•
Helps children with “bed-wetting” (apply on the genitals
before bed)•
Constipation / Stomach-ache (mix Ganozhi with warm water
and apply on the abdominal)•
Abdominal distension (apply on the abdominal)•
Hysteria (apply on the hand and feet)•
Nausea and vomiting (drink the mixture of Ganozhi with
warm water and also apply on the head, chest and abdominal)•
Asthma ( massage on the chest and back)•
Hemorrhoid (apply on the affected area)•
Swollen Genital (apply on the affected area)•
Menstrual (apply on the abdominal and vagina)•
Leucorrhcea / whites (wash the vagina with the mixture of
Ganozhi and water)•
Circumcision (apply on the wound. In addition apply a bit
of RG for watery wound and GL for dried wound)•
Erectile dysfunction (apply on the penis)•
Food (can be consume for food supplement if in a desperate
massage usage, Ganozhi must be mix with water. For best result add some Gano
Massage Oil.Ganozhi
is considered safe to be used on animals
Valuable multi purpose